If you’re doing any kind of content marketing, a marketing platform can make a big difference in your results. It can help you focus your marketing efforts, make the most of your budget, and — perhaps most importantly — make things a lot less stressful. Over and over again, I’ve seen that companies get more [...]
Content Marketing
I write a lot about content strategy, optimizing content, better content writing, and lots of specific tips for content marketers and business owners.
How to Schedule Social Media Updates Like a Pro (Using Hootsuite)
If you’re not scheduling your social media updates with Hootsuite, you should be. Click here to watch a video on how to do it.
5 Smartest Places to Find Blog Post Ideas
The most influential content marketers on the planet don’t sit around waiting for The Muse to strike. Fill your content calendar— without pulling your hair out — with these resources.
5 Timesaving Tricks to Promote Your Content
Click here to learn 5 timesaving tricks to promote your content without getting a migraine. No social media team or graphic designer needed.
Content Style Guides: How to Publish Consistent Content Across Teams & Platforms
Publish consistent content -- even with multiple writers -- by creating a content style guide. Inside, 5 examples to inspire you.